Non-perishable food items can be donated at:
Riverside United Church | 3191 Riverside Dr.
Brookfield High School | 824 Brookfield Rd.
We are currently only collecting and distributing non-perishable, shelf-stable food items, with a preference for what can be combined to create a full meal.
Donation suggestions:
Cereal, breakfast items
Powdered and evaporated milk
Soups, crackers, canned tuna or sardines
Rice, beans and legumes, pasta, sauces
School snacks, granola bars, canned fruit, fruit juices, dried fruit,
Peanut butter, spreads, jam, muffin mixes, vegetable or seed oils
Baby foods, diapers, toothbrushes, can openers
Hygiene products

We also accept e-transfers to brookfieldfoodcupboard@gmail.com
The e-transfer email confirmation to our bank account will serve as your (non-charitable) donation receipt.